Social Enterprise in Canada
Content Sourced: Fraser Valley Centre for Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise Resources in Canada
The Canadian Social Enterprise Guide is the first extensive and comprehensive published resource, tool kit, and collection of social enterprise stories. The guide reflects the learnings and resources of the eight years of development and implementation of the Enterprising Non-Profits program. It includes chapters written by enp staff, social enterprise practitioners, professional trainers, funders and organizational development expertise.
Guide to financing Social Enterprise
Vancouver Social Enterprise Forum Blog
Social Economy Centre
Enterprising Not For
Rothman School of Business and Social Enterprise
VanCity: Social Enterprise Definition
The Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia
Sustainability and social enterprise: A new sector? [download]
Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise 2007: Call for Papers
Social Enterprise for Sustainable Communities
Social Capital Partners: Invests in and incubates revenue-generating social enterprises that employ at-risk youth and other populations outside the economic mainstream in Canada.
Social Enterprise Resource Database <Click Here>
SEDI: SEDI stands for Social and Enterprise Development Innovations. Are a non-profit organization that assists people who are struggling economically. SEDI motivates them to aim higher and develop the tools they need to achieve their goals, in partnership with community groups across Canada.
Canadian Social Entrepreneurs Network
The Fraser Valley Centre for Social Enterprise
What are Social Enterprises?
Social Enterprise (Wiki Definition)
- 1 Social enterprise in the British context
- 2 Social enterprise in the North American context
- 3 Social enterprise from a European perspective
- 4 Social enterprise in Canada
- 5 External links
Social enterprises are non-profit, co-operative and for-profit businesses that provide goods and services to earn revenue and achieve social, economic, and/or environmental goals. Successful social enterprises play an important role in our local economy and make vital contributions to our communities and the environment.
This section focuses on non-profit and co-operative social enterprises. There are also for-profit businesses that are making a significant social and environmental impact. To read about some of these companies, start here.
Content Sourced: VanCity British Columbia, Canada, Definition.
Social Enterprise Resources in the U.S
Social Enterprise Magazine Online
Membership organization providing resources, education, technical assistance, and networking opportunities to those in the field
Online Articles
Sourced from Fraser Valley for Social Enterprise
Featured Article presented in Atlanta, GA Click on link to download MS Word document
Discussion paper positing need for new business structure for social enterprise in Canada, presented at the 2006 Social Enterprise Alliance Conference (Atlanta) and 2006 National Conference on CED and the Social Economy (Vancouver)
Alphabetical Order
A brief tutorial on business planning for nonprofit enterprise by Cynthia Massarsky
A non-profit guide to develop an income stream venues by Clohesy Consulting
Adventure in social enterprise: Attaining sustainability and self-reliance through
An Enterprising Failure by Tracey, P., Owen Jarvis
Assessing your communication strategy by Hershey, Christine
Blending Business With Charity Can Be 'Head-Busting' Work by Wallace, N.
Bridging the culture of business and poverty by Bradley, James.
Business Planning for Social Enterprise by Alter, Kim.
Business Practices in Social Enterprise by Bull, M., Crompton, H.
Canadian Business and the Millenium Development Goals by CBSR
Charities, Non-Profits and Business Activities
Community Power. Lessons for nonprofit entrepreneurship by Hoffman, D.
Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
Does Misery Love Companies? How social performance pays off by Margolis, J.
Eight Basic Principles for Nonprofit Entrepreneurs by Jerr Boschee
Employment for Former Prisoners by Shuetz, P.
Enterprising Non-profits by Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Enterprising Organizations by Aspen Institute
Exploring the Climate for Earned Income Development by Horsnell, A.
Five Social Enterprise Myths, Dispelled by Burn Ace, K.
Funding them to fish: Final Report
Guide to Financing for Social Enterprise
Guiding Principles for Nonprofits in the Marketplace
How marketing can reduce worldwide poverty? by Lagace, M
How Organizations Create Social Value by Salls, M.
How to Build a Business Plan by C. Massarsky
How to Build a Social Enterprise by Gagnaire, Kirsten
How your nonprofit can enhance capacity, impact and sustainability by Horsnell, A., Pepin J.
Identifying Your Best Earned-Income Opportunities by Horsnell, A.
If the shoe fits. Nonprofit or For-Profit? The choice matters by Gair, C.
International Perspectives on Social Ventures / Enterprises
Invention for the common good by Stanford Social Innovation
Managing the Double Bottom Line: A business Planning Guide for Social Enterprises by Alter, Kim.
Mapping Your Assets and Identifying Opportunities
Marketing a Social Mission by Utterback, M.
Marketing and Sustainable Development
Marketing for Community-Based Social Enterprise by Lamb, P.
Merging mission, market, and money: A nonprofit’s guide to social entrepreneurship by Jim Thalhuber
Microfinance & the Double Bottom Line by Tulchin, Drew
Migrating from Innovation to Entrepreneurship by Boshee, J.
Non-Profit Earned Income Strategies - where to start? by Social Enterprise Associates
Nonprofit Enterprise: Right for You? by Cynthia Massarsky
Partnering for Innovation by CBSR
Poverty, Thy Name is Hydra by Kunz, J.& Jeff Frank
Practical People, Noble Causes. by Thake, S., Zadek, S.
Practitioner Understanding of Social Return on Investment by Thys, D., Tulchin, D., Ohri, C.
Preparing to Launch an Enterprise by Rolfe Larson
Profits for Nonprofits: Earning your own way by Lagace, M
Prophets for Non-Profits? The prospects for venture philanthropy in the developing world.
PuraVida: A Business with a higher calling by Tishler, C.
Putting Nonprofit Business Venture in Perspective
Revenue Generation through Commercial Ventures
San Patrignano. A Model of Integration by Wolley-Fisher P.
Social Enterpreneurship Discussion Paper No.1 by Canadian Centre for Social Enterprise
Social entrepreneurship basics
Social Entrepreneurship Profiles by Pepin, Tranquada
Social Marketing by Nedra Kline Weinrich
Social Purpose Businesses: Making the Transition From Raising Money to Earning Money.
Social Purpose Enterprise and Venture Philanthropy in the New Millennium; Volume 1,2,3
Social Return on Investment and its Relevance to Microfinance by Thys, Didier
Social Venture Partners Calgary by Orloff, A.
Starting Point Guide by London Social Economy Taskforce
Supporting Young Social Entrepreneurs by Shrestha, Sunit
Sustainable Development in the digital age by Peizer, J.
Taking Stock of Your Business Development Assets by Horsnell, A.
Telling Stories of Social Entrepreneurs by Dahle, Cheryl
The Birth of an Organization by Maran, Meredith
The Growth of the Social Enterprise by Tishler, C.
The Income Diversification by Tranquada, W.
The meaning of "Social Enterpreneruship" by Dees, G.
The Nature of Returns: A Social Capital Markets Inquiry by Emerson, J.
The Social Enterprise Sourcebook –profiles of businesses operated by nonprofits by Jerr Bosch
The Strategic Marketing Matrix for Social Enterpreneurs by Boschee, J.
Thibodeau's Centre. A successful Model of Social Entrepreneurship by Sayani, K.
Toward a better understanding of social entrepreneurship
Turning Administrative Expenses into Opportunities by Tranquada, W.
Unleashing New Resources and Entreprenurship … by Reis, T.
Using big business to fight poverty by Lodge, G.
Using Big Business to Fight Poverty by Lodge, George C.
Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs Become Venture Philanthropists
Venture Forth! By Larson, Rolfe
Ways to Market Social Responsibility by Lagace, M.
When Society is Everyone's Business by Lagace, M
Why running a nonprofit is the hardest job in business by Tishler, C.
Young Social Entrepreneurs in Canada
Abbotsford Recycling Industries Social Enterprise (ARISE) is a social enterprise hybrid concept that posits the melting and casting of recycled glass into long-lasting products such as glass bathtubs, sinks, and wall blocks, all with artistic elements. ARISE will be owned by both traditional business and non-profits, and will employ the marginalized wherever possible.
The Continued Reintegration Inmate Support Society (CRISS) was formed in order to propel a social enterprise that will be a training business for ex-offenders and inmates transitioning to the community. The business will be a retail shop that sells consigned inmate art, with living units on the premise.
Over the summer of 2005, the Centre designed an interview tool meant to map local social enterprises. The results and the tool template are available. Communities wishing to adopt this template to map their own communities are requested to recognize the Centre as template originator, and invited to share their own community results with us!
In June 2005, the Centre hosted a Social Economy Forum in Abbotsford, one of nine in the province. The final report can be viewed here.
Community animator, Centre supporter, and ARISE originator Sid Gould leads the way in championing the need for a separate social enterprise business structure in Canada. His discussion paper on the topic can be viewed here.